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For professional growers.


Growers with high wire crops

Product information

Placing lighting within the canopy of your high wire plants directs and focuses growth-stimulating light on the most vital part of the crop. With the sidewards light distribution pattern, the leaves can optimally transform the light into growing more yield. Based on input from growers around the world, the GreenPower LED interlighting system allows you to grow and harvest fresh and flavourful tomatoes or cucumbers year-round, no matter where you are or what energy prices you face.

User information

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Technical information

LED module that broadcast lights sideways to two sides. Voltage: 200-400V size: 200cm or 250cm lenght Power consumption 81 - 100W Light output 240-300umol/s Efficiency 3.0umol/J Ingress Protection: IP66 for damp & wet locations Lifetime L90 25.000hrs

Philips LED Interlight 3.1

Light at most vital part of crop
Long modules

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