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For professional growers.



Product information

Thin, light water proof and non-toxic film ideal for the covering of seeds and cuttings.

User information

Covering material Plastic foil 20mi To create climate and prevent drying of the medium in the early stages of rooting of cuttings or sowing of seeds. Can be used in- and outdoors. Place the foil directly over the trays, pots or open field where cuttings or seeds are placed. Make sure the plastic is removed in time to start hardening the plants, depending on the crop this can be a few days up to a few weeks.

Technical information

Quality: 20 micron thick film Colour: Transparent or deeply coloured white Standard widths: 160cm / 250cm / 300cm / 360cm

Plastic foil 20mi (cutting foil)

Prevents losses in propagation
Simple solution
Re-use able
Plastic foil 20mi (cutting foil)