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For professional growers.


Growers indoors

Product information

Screen film is used as wall screens or as temporary partition walls in glasshouse horticulture.

User information

Plastic foil (Screen foil) As a wall screen to create an extra insulating effect between glass and plastic, to buffer extra dips in temperature on cold days and nights. As a temporary partition it enables you to create a smaller room within your greenhouse, energy saving since you do will not be heating the whole greenhouse, and easier to maintain a good growing climate

Technical information

Highly transparent film Standard 80 Kly UV Stability (12 months in the Netherlands), other UV stability on request Standard widths are 175 / 200 / 250 / 330 / 350 / 425 / 480 / 530 / 580 and 680 cm Standard thickness 50 micron Punch pattern: 5 x 5 / 5 x 10 / 8 x 10 / 10 x 10 / 10 x 20 / 20 x 20 / 20 x 40 / 40 x 40 This product comes with many variables, contact us to get you the right product for your situation

Plastic foil 50mi (Screen foil)

Energy saving
Simple solution
Many sizes available
Plastic foil 50mi (Screen foil)