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Club of 100 membership – Wageningen University & Research leads to innovation.

Club of 100 membership – Wageningen University & Research leads to innovation.

For professional growers.

Wageningen University & Research Club of 100 is a collaboration of more than 85 suppliers and trading companies in the greenhouse horticulture sector. The members are active in general supply, greenhouse construction, vision, robotics, breeding and propagation materials, cultivation, energy, automation, and sales and trade.

The Club of 100 has contributed to the future of international greenhouse horticulture through a large number of projects. Some recent examples:

  • Projects in the field of plant health, such as Gerberascout, Year-round biological control and Root Environment
  • Projects in the field of cultivation, such as Light and growth (Looking for a compact (dynamic) light spectrum to grow), above and below ground control for resilience and Dynamic lighting
  • Projects in the field of new production techniques, such as Use of Vertical Farming in greenhouse horticulture, Sensor technology and Daylightless cultivation system
Flowering lamp Horti Led

The unique aspect of the Club of 100 is that it is a chain-wide group of horticultural suppliers willing to collaborate pre-competitively. This ensures that the issues being addressed are above the market and impact almost everyone. The newly acquired knowledge is initially available only to members. At UFO Supplies, we are committed to finding solutions to the challenges our stakeholders face. We achieve this through targeted knowledge development and research. As a member of the Club of 100, we not only contribute to innovative knowledge development but also benefit from the extensive expertise of Wageningen University & Research's Greenhouse Horticulture business unit. This enables us to serve our customers even better.

Jaap van Staaveren

For our customers, we organized an event in collaboration with WUR and Signify. The theme of the event was: "Gaining More Control and Understanding of Daylength-Sensitive Crops with HortiLed." This event provided a unique opportunity to explore the technologies offered by HortiLed systems and their application in optimizing the growth and yield of daylength-sensitive crops. Experts from WUR and Signify shared their insights, leading to valuable new perspectives during the subsequent discussion.

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Club of 100 membership – Wageningen University & Research leads to innovation.