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Plant Factory

Plant Factory

For professional growers.

Plant Factory is an innovative start-up that develops indoor Urban farming technology. They develop their now engineering solutions and  sales models. The company has two additional sister companies that focus on both import/export and water treatment constructions.

UFO Supplies and Plant Factory started their relationship in 2019 due through a referral by Signify. Ahmet Guney: “Since that moment we have a trusted provider and partner in the Netherlands for agricultural equipment and supplies.”

At this moment Plant Factory gets their Signify Agricultural LED’s via UFO Supplies, but both parties look forward to intensify this partnership in the future. Ahmet: “We are all very pleased to work with UFO Supplies. They excel in the technical side, but believe in building personal relationships at the same time.”

excel in technical side
personal relationship
good support
Philips HortiLed

“UFO Supplies has good connections with the best manufacturers and that was the main reason for us to start working together. Other than that they also offer good support in the import and export of products and in the entire sales process; from advice in pre-sales, until aftersales when the products are delivered.” This connections with manufacturers and the long history in export expertise is what makes UFO Supplies stand out from other suppliers for Plantfactory.

Ahmet: “To anyone that is looking for the best manufacturers, and support in transport and sales we would definitely recommend UFO Supplies.”

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